MemCachier Blog
Announcements, New Features, and How Tos
This tutorial guides you through developing and deploying a Laravel 10 application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk (EB), with a focus on enhancing performance using Memcache. You’ll learn to build a simple Laravel task list app and leverage Memcache for improved speed and efficiency.
This post is out of date. We published an updated version, read Deploy a Django Application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk and scale it with Memcache.
Want to deploy a Django application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk that is ready to scale? We’ll explore how to set up your Elastic Beanstalk environment, hook it up to a database, deploy your application, and finally how to use Memcache to speed it up.
We’ll walk you through creating the application from start to finish, but you can view the finished product source code here.
In this tutorial, we’re going to use Digital Ocean’s pre-build LEMP stack image to deploy a simple Laravel application and demonstrate how to use Memcache to improve application performance. (LEMP is Linux + Nginx + MySQL + PHP.)
In this guide, we’ll explore how to create a simple Express 4 application, deploy it using DigitalOcean, then add Memcache to alleviate a performance bottleneck.
Update: One-click-apps are now Marketplace images.
This tutorial will walk you through the steps of creating a simple Django One-Click application on DigitalOcean and then add Memcache to prevent or alleviate a performance bottleneck.
We’ll walk you through creating the application from start to finish, but you can view the finished product source code here.
Horizontally scaling a web app has become a total no-brainer in the last few years. PaaS offerings like Heroku allow you to add a “dyno” with the click of a button and container technology such as Docker has enabled the same ease to scale your your own deployment. By now it has become a standard in all mayor cloud providers such as AWS to allow you to auto-scale your app.
Given how easy it is to add another container whenever traffic increases and performance starts to take a hit, it is tempting to assume there’s no longer a need for a Memcache. In reality, quite the opposite is true: the more we scale an app horizontally, the more we need and can benefit from caching.
Update: One-click-apps are now Marketplace images.
This tutorial will walk you through the steps of creating a simple Rails One-Click application on DigitalOcean and then add Memcache to prevent or alleviate a performance bottleneck.
Using Memcache on DigitalOcean has become even easier with the MemCachier DigitalOcean Marketplace Add-On. Also, read our more recent post The most reliable, powerful, and easy way to use Memcached on DigitalOcean
Today we officially launch on DigitalOcean! Creating your website on DigitalOcean is super simple and now scaling it has become simpler than ever with MemCachier’s managed Memcache. Gone are the days of managing, scaling, and monitoring your own Memcached servers. With MemCachier, you can create and resize caches with the click of a button. We’ll make sure your cache is monitored 24/7 and provide expert support.
This post is out of date. Instead, read Deploy Flask on Elastic Beanstalk and Scale with Memcache.
Want to deploy a Flask application on Elastic Beanstalk that is ready to scale? We’ll explore how to set up your Elastic Beanstalk environment, hook it up to a database, deploy your application, and finally how to use Memcache to speed it up.
A lot of the customer support queries we get at MemCachier are about client timeouts. It’s unusual for these to be due to problems with our infrastructure – we have a sensitive monitoring system that alerts us quickly when there are problems with the machines we use to host MemCachier caches. The timeouts that clients see are most often the result of transient network glitches and problems with client libraries. In this article, we’re going to try to explain a little of what’s going on.