Posts tagged Render

Deploy Laravel and Memcache on The Complete Guide

Do you want to deploy a Laravel 10 application on Render and boost its performance with Memcache? In this tutorial, you’ll create a simple Laravel task list app, deploy it to Render, and use Memcache to speed it up.

Deploy Rails and Memcache on Render: A How-To Guide

Do you want to deploy a Ruby on Rails application on Render and boost its performance with Memcache? In this tutorial, you’ll create a simple Rails contact list app, deploy it to Render, and finally use Memcache to speed it up.

Memcache serves as an in-memory data storage system, a tool that significantly enhances the efficiency and scalability of web applications. Consider integrating Memcache if your pages exhibit sluggish load times or your application faces scaling challenges. Regardless of your app’s size, Memcache has the potential to quicken page loads and help future-proof your app.

Deploy Django and Memcache on Render: A How-To Guide

Do you want to deploy a Django application on Render and boost its performance with Memcache? In this tutorial, you’ll create a simple Django task list app, deploy it to Render, and finally use Memcache to speed it up.

Memcache serves as an in-memory data storage system, a tool that significantly enhances the efficiency and scalability of web applications. Consider integrating Memcache if your pages exhibit sluggish load times or your application faces scaling challenges. Regardless of your app’s size, Memcache has the potential to quicken page loads and help future-proof your app.

How to use Memcached on

Web application performance has become more critical than ever, and a crucial part of optimizing performance is an efficient caching strategy. Enter Memcached—an open-source, powerful, distributed memory object caching system to speed up dynamic web applications.

In this tutorial you’ll learn two methods for working with Memcached on Render—deploying Memcached as a Private Service and integrating with MemCachier. MemCachier is a cloud-based service that manages and scales clusters of Memcached-compliant servers so you can focus on your app.

How to Migrate MemCachier from Heroku to Render: Use the same simple Memcached solution

With the removal of Heroku’s free tier, many are making a move from Heroku to Render. Using MemCachier on Render is as easy and powerful as ever, and migrating your cache involves a few short and simple steps: