Posts tagged Laravel

Deploy Laravel on Elastic Beanstalk and Scale with Memcache (Updated 2024)

This tutorial guides you through developing and deploying a Laravel 10 application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk (EB), with a focus on enhancing performance using Memcache. You’ll learn to build a simple Laravel task list app and leverage Memcache for improved speed and efficiency.

Deploy Laravel and Memcache on The Complete Guide

Do you want to deploy a Laravel 10 application on Render and boost its performance with Memcache? In this tutorial, you’ll create a simple Laravel task list app, deploy it to Render, and use Memcache to speed it up.

Scaling a Laravel Application with Memcache on DigitalOcean

In this tutorial, we’re going to use Digital Ocean’s pre-build LEMP stack image to deploy a simple Laravel application and demonstrate how to use Memcache to improve application performance. (LEMP is Linux + Nginx + MySQL + PHP.)