Flush Command Logging for Heroku

We are happy to announce a new feature for our Heroku customers. In the past we have had several requests from customer who wanted to know why their caches had been flushed. To help our clients find out how a flush command came about we now push a log message to the Heroku log whenever a cache is flushed.

The log message contains the hostname of the proxy the flush command was executed on as well as its origin. The origin can be one of the following:

  • memcache client: The flush command originates from a normal memcached client.
  • web interface: This happens when a client clicks “Flush Cache” on the analytics dashboard.
  • admin operation: MemCachier flushed the cache on your behalf. This can occur when you do perform operations like switching from one cluster to another.

We hope you find it useful! We’ll be looking to add more information to the Heroku log in the future and would love suggestions and feedback on this.