MemCachier launches with Heroku in Europe


EU flag


Today Heroku announced that they have expanded their platform to include a European data center. We are happy to confirm that MemCachier is fully available in the new European data center, offering the same quality of service, features and price that our users have come to expect and love with Heroku’s existing US datacenter.

This expands our platform availability in Europe to three providers: Heroku, Amazon EC2 and cloudControl, giving you plenty of choice.

Using MemCachier in Europe on Heroku

The process is simply the same as provisioning MemCachier in the US, to provision a 500MB cache simply execute the following command:

$ heroku addons:add memcachier:500

No additional flags are needed as Heroku figures out from your application which region MemCachier will be provisioned in.

Safe Harbor Compliance

MemCachier is not yet a registered participant in the Safe Harbor program. We are looking into this right now an expect to be able to make a decision and layout a roadmap for this soon.

Feedback Please!

We love hearing from all our customers or potential customers, its the best way to make MemCachier a service that our customers love. If you have any comments or questions about the Europe availability or other comments, please email us at We don’t expect any difference between the US and European regions but will be updating our documentation over the coming weeks to better fit this brave new multi-datacenter world for Heroku users.